
Menopause: time to pause

21 Jun 2024

Are we priming the system to expect an experience of menopause? Are we creating the experience of menopause? Does it become predictive in nature?   The word menopause refers to a woman’s last menstrual period. When a woman has had no period for twelve consecutive months, she is considered to be post-menopausal.  What do we […]

Team Consano explore new frontiers at GWM Ironman 70.3 in 2023!

07 Jan 2024

The start of December at Consano represented an exciting new venture for our close-knit team, as Jocelyn, Malina and I travelled to beautiful Busselton in the south-west of Western Australia to compete in the GWM Ironman 70.3 event.  This well-organised triathlon includes a 1.9km swim, 90km cycle and 21.1km run.  The reflections by our team […]

All about breastfeeding

16 Dec 2023

In November, both Alison and Malina attended Abreast conference at the University of Western Australia (UWA).  Abreast is a one-day showcase of research presentations exploring breastfeeding in many of it’s wondrous facets.  Topics were broadly categorised into milk production, mastitis, milk composition and outcomes.  This year’s conference opening also marked the opening of the Centre […]

Consano Pelvic Health Centre is sponsoring ABREAST Conference 2023!

18 Oct 2023

Consano is proud to be sponsoring the ABREAST conference in November 2023 presenting the latest research and science in breastfeeding and lactation.    Over many years our practitioners at Consano have sought to learn and uphold the best evidence-based practice, supporting mums to breastfeed.  We are grateful to live in Perth, where we have a […]

Common (medical) testing of the bowel -what the tests involve and why they are done

18 Oct 2023

Common bowel tests: what they involve and why they are done Have you ever wondered what happens during testing of the bowel?  And why these tests are performed?  This Australian Physiotherapy Association article outlines the various medical tests relating to bowel function/dysfunction, including the rectum and anal sphincter muscles. Colonoscopy How is it performed? A […]

Vaginismus leaves many women in pain and avoiding sex, but it can be treated

18 Oct 2023

Recently our practice principal and clinic director, Alison Wroth, was interviewed by ABC news journalist Grace Burmas.  Well done, Grace, for shining a light on a sensitive and distressing issue that is common to many women’s experience.   ABC article – Navigating pain for women can be a twisted maze of questions, referrals and specialists, […]

ABC News: Women speak out about birth trauma and poor pelvic health care in public system

18 Oct 2023

Today a patient returned to see me for review, having committed to and benefited from intensive pelvic health physiotherapy sessions earlier in the  year.  At that time she had made good progress managing her prolapse symptoms, but had not re-engaged in penetrative sexual intercourse with her husband.  Now, many months later, she was finding penetrative […]

Understanding Your Core – Article for Ostomates Magazine 2022

18 Oct 2023

Did you know your abdomen has four layers of abdominal muscle? And that the surface layer, or “six-pack” muscle, runs perpendicular to the deepest layer? I find this fascinating, that a muscle in the same group, and sharing the same location, can run in a completely different direction. This is, of course, because they have […]


18 Oct 2023

Vaginismus is a diagnostic term referring to the involuntary tensing of the superficial pelvic floor muscles.  But what does this mean?  How does it come about?  And what can be done about it? The pelvic floor is made up of a group of small muscles, in two layers. The pelvic floor muscles attach onto and […]

Our Approach

Our name CONSANO is the latin word for ‘to cure, heal, remedy and restore’.

This is the essence of what we do.
We use our specialised pelvic health physiotherapy training and our unique holistic approach to cure, heal, remedy and restore the pelvic health of our patients

Who we are

Our Centre

Our Pelvic Health Centre in Guildford has been specially designed to suit the specialised requirements of our patient treatment rooms and classes.

Learn more
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